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Why Do You Need Proxies for Discord

We are going to talk about such a popular solution as Discord now. Let's not focus on a certain audience or a messenger as it is, though. Let’s discuss the ways to get access to your favorite means of communication, regardless of your place of residence.

Team Froxy 18 Nov 2022 5 min read
Why Do You Need Proxies for Discord

The list of the most popular Internet messengers used across the globe is quite extensive. The choice mainly depends on the target audience, location and individual user preferences. People in central Europe frequently choose to download Telegram, WhatsApp and Viber, while users from Western Europe have quite different preferences.

We are going to talk about such a popular solution as Discord now. Let's not focus on a certain audience or a messenger as it is, though. Let’s discuss the ways to get access to your favorite means of communication, regardless of your place of residence.

What Is Discord and What Is It Used for?

Discord is a rapidly growing web service for organizing communication in the network by means of voice and video calls, text messages, group conferences and file sharing. The platform has become popular due to its user-friendliness and extremely lenient rules regarding content censorship.

Despite the fact that the messenger has already been an object of burning discussions and even scandals, this did not affect its general application rules. Discord will remain a haven for everyone, who is not shy to express their opinion until it is bought by a large-scale media holding like Meta corporation (proxies for Facebook).

As for the technical aspect, Discord is compatible with almost any operating system: there are applications for iOS and Android, Windows, MacOS and even Linux. Additionally, there is a web client that does not require installation, a modern browser is enough to work with it.

Discord, which also means “differences, contention” provides everything you need to communicate with large and niche communities. This is where you can gather all your friends, find like-minded people who share your interests, create a school circle, a campus network etc.

The largest community units in Discord are the so-called servers. You can create private and public channels in them. You can also search and connect to servers and channels that already exist. There are group and private chats. You can assign various rights and statuses within channels, making the process of self-moderation much easier and more efficient.

Despite the fact that the Discord service was launched recently, in 2015, its total audience already exceeds 350 million users, while the number of active members constitutes 150 million people per month.

This is a large and actively growing platform that has found the best application in the IT and gaming communities. However, business is now actively switching to the platform as well, which triggers corresponding consequences (discussing and making deals, availability of corporate chats, mailing lists etc.). It is no longer possible to ignore it. Therefore, it is not surprising that many users worldwide face the need to create accounts in this network. It is needed at least to communicate with colleagues or game partners.

Why Should I Use Proxy That Works with Discord

If you use Discord for standard tasks, that is, to communicate with friends and colleagues, then you do not need any proxies. To be precise, the benefits of using them will be doubtful.

Another thing is the business niche. This concerns, for example, organization of bulk mailings, cheating social factors (at the initial stages of community formation), advertising, promotion of certain products and services etc. This requires more complex technical solutions, including work with a large number of accounts, niche software and services. This is where you will not go without a proxy for Discord.

Mind that Discord allows working with several accounts at a time and makes it possible to quickly switch between them. Everything, however, has limits. Regular features of a standard client will no longer be so convenient granted that the number of accounts is quite extensive.

Another interesting area of Discord proxies application is confidentiality growth. Sometimes it happens that Discord access is blocked in certain countries, or a client has to virtualize his/her location so that no one can find out where he/she works from, etc. A proxy is indispensable in this case.

Let's summarize the potential Discord proxy server application options:

  • Bypassing Geographic Blockings. Access to the Discord service is blocked in some countries, for example, in the United Arab Emirates. To bypass such geographic blockings, using proxy is a must.
  • Location Virtualization. A proxy helps you "move" to any location worldwide, since the IP address of the proxy server will be perceived as your IP address. In this case, renting a proxy will help significantly increase your privacy in the network. Yes, the implementation can be legally controversial, but it works, and it works well.
  • Bypassing Corporate Security Systems. Despite the fact that many companies are striving to create their own channels in Discord, not all market players support such aspirations. The fact is that social networks, especially those like Discord, which place focus on entertainment and games, notably distract from work. To combat procrastination, some admins forcefully block all traffic to the Discord servers. Such blockings are also easily bypassed with the help of proxies, since a user does not immediately access the required domain, but an intermediary one, when using protection systems.
  • Multi-Accounts and SMM. As mentioned above, Discord is a popular social platform. No wonder, SMM experts get involved in the process, when there is a large audience. The methods of channel promotion and increase of their performance are quite similar in different aspects. In fact, they are almost identical for any social platforms. One of the major tools is the simultaneous maintenance of a large number of accounts. They can be used to post comments, place ads, wind up various website parameters.
  • Increasing the Access Speed. Unfortunately, Discord cannot boast stable and quick performance in all countries of the world. This problem is solved in a few clicks, using a proxy. A sufficient channel width is provided inside the proxy network. You only need to find access in the location, where there are no connection speed problems. This is usually the USA and/or European countries.

Which Proxies to Choose for Discord?

type of proxies in discord

A Discord proxy server does not differ from other types of proxies. However, there are certain nuances:

  • Firstly, the service fights against excessive abuse and multi-accounts. Yes, it is possible to manage several accounts at a time. If it come s to hundreds of accounts, however, which are trying to log in and to work from the same IP address, then this will already be a reason for blocking. Therefore, server proxies are easily identified and isolated. In other words, we do not recommend using server proxies for bulk tasks (for SMM).
  • Secondly, free proxies do not work well mainly for the same reason. After all, all free proxies are server-based. Additionally, many providers that offer lists with free IP addresses, add those entries that are not suitable for business purposes. Thus, they are already marked as those that are unsuitable for the largest social networks and are eventually blocked. Discord is not an exception in this case.
  • Thirdly, the more accounts you have, the more addresses you will need. Ideally, any professional SMM expert adheres to the following principle: "one account - one IP". Accordingly, proxies for Discord have either to be bought in large packages to weed out inoperative (unusable) addresses or immediately acquire rotated proxies that have access to a large IP pool in different locations.

The above listed aspects clearly hint that the best solution to work with Discord are mobile or residential proxies.

What makes mobile proxies suitable for SMM tasks in Discord:

  • The maximum possible trust level. Mobile IP addresses are dynamically distributed among network members. There are few of them, so blocking each IP may result in the simultaneous disconnection of several hundred real users or even more. Thus, it doesn’t make any sense to turn off mobile IP addresses.
  • High targeting accuracy. Much depends on the selected service provider, of course, but mobile proxies can frequently be chosen with regard to the city and communication provider.
  • Huge pool of addresses. This is an ideal solution for bulk requests and connections. Up to 1000 parallel ports.
  • Maximum anonymity. All mobile proxies are premium ones. You won’t come across any distorting or transparent proxies. No one knows who you are and where exactly you are based.
  • Problematic addresses are replaced with functional ones almost on the fly. Rotation may occur as the IP is disconnected or forcibly by time/by request.

Disadvantages are as follows: low speeds, limited and expensive traffic. Connection stability is the most unpredictable. Moreover, it is affected not by the device type only, but mostly by the features and specification of the mobile network.

What makes residential proxies attractive for Discord:

  • Degree of trustability by anti-fraud systems is not the highest, but quite impressive.
  • The same is about targeting accuracy. Proxy servers can be selected in the required city or state, adherence to communication providers can be considered as well.
  • Sufficient connection speed. It is lower than that of server proxies, but higher than that of mobile ones.
  • Large pool of addresses.
  • Affordable prices for traffic, especially when compared with mobile ones.

Residential proxies have practically no disadvantages compared to mobile ones. However, if you compare them with server ones, then the connection stability and speed will be lower.

To sum it up, we recommend choosing mobile or residential proxies with rotation for Discord.

Why Choose Proxy from Froxy?

The Froxy service offers rental of rotated proxies from a pool of more than 8 million addresses. We guarantee large-scale geographical coverage - more than 200 countries worldwide, geo-targeting accuracy - up to the required city and communication provider (ISP, Internet Service Provider).

All our proxies are premium ones. This ensures maximum degree of anonymity.

Mobile or residential proxies can be rented on a prepaid traffic package. If you run out of package terms, you can easily buy a new one. The larger the package is, the more profitable the cost of a single gigabyte proves to be.

There is a special trial package with a validity period of 3 days that can be used for testing.

HTTP(S) and SOCKS protocols are supported, lists can be uploaded in different formats, up to 1000 parallel ports are allowed (depending on the package). The up-time rate constitutes 99.99%, proxy rotation is possible every 90 seconds.

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