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Make your Froxy purchases faster with PayPal!

Whether you prefer PayPal's robust digital wallet or Amazon Pay, you can now choose these payment methods to purchase Froxy services.

Team Froxy 26 Mar 2024 1 min read
Make your Froxy purchases faster with PayPal!

    We are excited to announce that PayPal, one of our most popular payment methods, is now available again! Additionally, we have enabled the option to pay with Amazon Pay.

    Both PayPal and Amazon Pay can be used to fund your account balance and pay for a subscription to any of our products. To fund your account, select Cards/PayPal/Amazon (FastSpring), enter the desired amount, and follow the payment gateway's instructions.

    Thank you for choosing Froxy! We aim to make your experience with us easy and enjoyable. Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve.

    Visit now to explore new payment methods and choose from a wide range of scrapers and proxies for every purpose!

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